Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Beauty of the West: California Dreaming

This poem is presented both in German and in English.  Dr Lubich composed it first in his native German, then free-translated it himself.  Therefor I present it in a "continuous parallel" sequence German first, followed by the English copy.

"Wer in die Fremde will wandern,
 der muss mit der Liebsten gehen"
"Heimweh", Joseph von Eichendorff

"If you want to travel far away,
you must go with your beloved..."
"Longing for Home", Joesph von Eichendorff

Schoene Fremde:  California Dreaming

Kennst du das Land der westlichen Weiten,
wo Gold und Meer verlockend rauschen,
das Land der unbegrenzten Moeglichkeiten,
wo Traeume ferner Zukunft lauschen,

im Fruehling bunt die Wuesten bluehen,
der Sommerwind durch Tamarisken weht
und alte Mythen herrlich neu erzaehlt,
dorthin, Geliebte, lass uns ziehen.

Beauty of the West

Do you know the land of the Far West,
its rhapsodies of gold and blue,
the land of boundless possibilities
where all our future dreams come true?!

Where desserts bloom in springtime reveries
and summer's zephyr breezes gently blow,
where tamarisks whisper of mythic memories,
my love, that's where we need to go.

Camino del Cielo:  In den Bergen von Santa Barbara

"Die Dinge singen hoer ich so gern...",
der bluehenden Huegel mittelmeerische Lieder,
doch noch lieber lausch ich im Sommerwehen
dem Sirenengesang deiner lichtdunklen Glieder,

deiner schattigen Quelle seligem Seufzen
vom ewigen Stirb und ewigen Werde,
vom Rausch der himmlischen Schoepfung
aus dem Urgrund der Mutter Erde.

Camino del Cielo:  In the Mountains of Santa Barbara

Oh how I love the melodies
of rolling hills and timeless spaces,
but even more I long to listen
to the siren song of your embraces,

welling up from the depths to the sparkling skies,
we feel the rise and rush of creation,
we hear Mother Earth, her sighs and cries
of death and eternal reincarnation.

(c)Dr Frederick A. Lubich

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