Saturday, December 26, 2009

K.T. K.T.

K.T.  K.T.
Married lady, What is this ado?

Where did it come from
This perfect conundrum
This bolt out of the blue?

First a stolen glance
Then a foolish chance.
Talk about taboo!

No, it is not right.
No, it is not bright
To fall in love with you.

K.T.  K.T.
Married lady, What is this ado?

Are you with me,
Do you miss me
When I'm not in view?

What say, Lady,
What say, Baby,
To a rendezvous?

Just a little walk,
Just a little talk,
Some repartee for two.

You can trust me,
Please don't bust me,
Keep this entre nous.

K.T.  K.T.
Married lady, What is this ado?

To R.S.V.P.
Next time, keep time in blue.

To get rid of me
Eschew the peek-a-boo.

(c)Jeremiah A. Denton, III      1999

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