Saturday, November 20, 2010

November Moon

Tonight's full moon
is called Mad Moon
Mourning Moon
Snow Moon.   Now
is the time
of the long dirge
the lament.  Daylight
thin as fever dreams
sinks into shadows
twisting out of
tangled roots.

The oldest goddess reigns:
Kali of the skull necklace,
Morrigan, queen of carrion crows,
Baba Yaga.  Along
the blood rimmed
edge of twilight
the west wind wails
or is that
the howl of hounds
running down
the white deer?

But when the scarred moon
escapes the tree's black fingers
it drags a cloak of stars
into night pure as
angel song.

(c)Serena Fusek          2010

1 comment:

  1. This, and the next three poems by Serena Fusek, are a series of related poems presented here as a set expressing, naturally, another aspect of Woman. pf
