Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Walking Backwards

Suddenly, sometimes when an April wind
with sweet scent of honeysuckle shoves hair
across my face, or an early sun streaks
sailor red warnings, am I then startled
to find an extra plate on our table.
Turn around!  Stop walking backwards, blindly
stumbling over yesteryears criss-cross roots.

Company thread tangled with sighing tugs.
We unraveled edges to complete shirts
soon found too short.  Joane and I bowed over
for harsh whippings, a public punishment.

Twilight born, life breath shallow, life too brief--
I held; then tightly wrapped our furled too soon.
Joane poured water, spoke him John in the name
of the Father, the Son and Holy Ghost.
We deep buried him under angry skies.

Grief comes unannounced in pale persimmon
buds, in the oval shaped raindrops that cling
to tips of willow leaves--achingly small,
incredibly lovely.  Lacking reason
I hold sorrow until I hear laughter.
Virginia, Alice, and Katherine roll
rough clay balls in afternoon pools of light.
Extra plate back on shelf, I imprison
three cygnets beneath wings for riddle songs
with promises of release in good time.
Loss once again cradles in familiar
hollows.  It hides and waits in solitude.

(c)Patricia Flower Vermillion   2008
from Lady's Maid                                  
Live Wire Press, Charlottesville, VA

1 comment:

  1. "...In the time of Sir Thomas Dale's Government, Ann Leyden and Jane Wright were appointed to make shirts for servants. Their thread naught (knotted)...They took out ravell of lower part of shirts for which said Ann Leyden and Jane Wright were whipt. And Ann Leyden being with child, the same night therof miscarried."
    Minutes of Council and General Court
    --Colonial Virginia
