Thursday, September 30, 2010

One Birth

...all the parts, though many, still making up one
single body...and all the parts share its joy.           
(1 Corinthians 12)

          Let us suppose once more:
The ant has scurried back
into earth's loins,

sweetness on its back.
It hurries past; we recognize
its coveting, the white-gold burden

of its satchel -
and we bundle ours more diligently,

          A scattered fall
has given way to tight, appointed
frost.  Our workshoes press

a lode - the gopher's tunnel, dragged
time and time again, bloodless
and bloodletting in its maze.

     Once more we recognize
the corridor, purest
always when our heel strikes hard

and opens up a vent.
The burrow air will wish its way
unchecked, zealous in its ache

for exits, smooth or rough-
edged at the ends.
          The breeze relies on them....

          All that seeps in will outpour,
manifest in fresh aroma, sour
in a bone's delay,

the consummation real
in each death.
          Let us suppose we all consume,

will be consumed, and consummate
our living with the heart pressed
hard against the freeze.

A child cries quietly.
We cannot hear the call,
unless an icicle, drawn-out and

patient, close to mouth, melts
with the rush of heartwarm particles
puffed free.

          Their carom crazes the cave -
all shells, all crystal, carbon,
lode of iron hidden in the shaft,

gem and no-gem breached
and treated to the same birthing.
          The wall is clean eruption,

burst of steam that thaws a single
glacier, single stream -
a single exodus of people....

          Ah, how they tug; how we
tug: open at the wrist, digit and thumb,
yolk and tip fingering each other -

tender now, most tender.
          And the nerves band into one
          ascension, out to spring.

(c)Sofia M. Starnes     2008
from Corpus Homini
Wings Press, San Antonio, TX

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